Petersfield Dance Festival is honoured to be hosting our 3rd year of our SEND Festival (Special Educational needs & Disabilities)
We believe that the joy of dance should be accessible to everyone & every dancer deserves their time to shine on stage doing what they love.
We do our very best to create the most calm relaxing environment for the performers, we only invite family, friends & teachers of those performing so the audience remains smaller. Backstage is kept quieter & as we have less performers there is more space for everyone. We allow parents & or teachers to be side of stage if needed.
All performers receive a rosette, certificate & individual feedback for taking part. We also have medals for those who place, the sections are usually quite small so no-one misses out.
We are more than happy to work with you if you have any additional needs for your dancers in order for them to take part, please do get in contact to discuss this.
Entry is via our website
You’ll simply need to create an account, enter via the SEND entry form, after this your music will need to be uploaded. The order of the evening will be published by the end of June, all performers are asked to arrive by 4:30pm latest for a 5pm start. We run the sections back to back & then invite everyone on at the end for the medal presentation. Most years the event lasts approx 1 hour.
We very much look forward to welcoming you, If you have any questions please email Lucy – [email protected]
Petersfield, Hampshire
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